A Message from Mark Haase, SGW Payroll CEO



The last few weeks have brought about unprecedented change in just about everything we do, in both our personal and professional lives.  

We want to take this opportunity to let you know that although the UK have entered lockdown phase, SG World Payroll is classed as an essential business and is here to support our customer base, including the food and logistics supply chain. We will continue to help you meet the challenge of operating under extremely difficult circumstances without dropping the ball on the company payroll.

To achieve this and keep our own workforce safe we have reviewed and adapted our production processes and reduced staffing in line with government advice and current demand. We now have a three month plan in place where we are confident we can protect the health of our employees through measures such as temperature screening and rigorous hygiene control; and continue to support our customer base.    

It’s going to be tough but it is our hope that we will come through this pandemic together. Thank you for your continued business and please stay safe.

Mark Haase - CEO




With the COVID-19 global pandemic continuing to evolve rapidly, we are constantly reviewing the latest government advice to coordinate our response and communicate effectively with SGW Payroll staff, customers and partners. I felt it was important to share with you a brief summary of the measures we have put in place to protect our staff and continue supporting our customer base throughout this difficult time.

      • • A cross-functional team has been put in place to coordinate SGW Payroll's response to COVID-19. We will monitor daily updates from Public Health England and provide regular guidance on company policy in light of the latest government advice via email, website and informational posters.

      • • The company is putting in place contingency plans for home working so we can continue to support customers through any self-isolation phase.

      • • We are temporarily implementing a companywide “no handshake” policy and a reduction in any non-essential visitors/ contractors to site.
      • • We are introducing robust hygiene procedures, advocating frequent and thorough handwashing as per government advice, providing hand sanitiser across the site and issuing anti-bacterial/alcohol wipes to regularly clean personal office equipment including computers and telephones. Cleaning routines have been reinforced to focus on “high traffic” touch points such as push plates on doors, light switches and hand rails.

      • • We are advising staff on work and personal travel plans to reduce travel to high-risk areas and putting in place appropriate supporting isolation procedures

We currently do not anticipate any service disruption due to this policy; you can continue to rely on SGW Payroll to do what’s right for our staff and customers. I’m sure we all share the same goal of keeping our people safe and well at all times, and we can all play our part.


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